Minimizing the damage of wildfires.
Helimax offers operational expertise in wildland fire support, precision external cargo, oil and gas exploration, and agricultural operations. Our CH-47Ds and S-61Ns all are equipped with a Night Vision Goggle STC which allows for continued operations into the night as missions dictate.
Helimax Aviation, Inc. offers firefighting agencies a total package for aerial fire suppression support needs and coordination under one aviation operator.
Type I CH-47D helicopters with the largest usable volume of water delivered by type.
The only operation that offers a Quick Change delivery systems from a tank to a powerfill bucket.
Type I S-61 Helicopters under FAA Part 135 for fire personnel transportation and certificated in combination loads of crews and equipment in the same flight.
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Night Operations
Helimax and its affiliates have extensive experience performing highly complex Search and Rescue (SAR), Night Vision Goggles (NVG), Hoist, and Air Ambulance operations in support of a wide range of customers.
Part 91/135 Operations allow the use of NVG’s.
Night Vision Goggle Training Program.
Night Vision Goggle Inspection Program.
Supplemental Type Certificate for the addition of Night Vision Goggle installation on CH-47, S-61, and Bell 505-Full NVIS Lighting/NVG Cockpit Compatibility Checklists.